Wednesday, 16 January 2013

In Nairobi

Family and friends,
I am into my second full day in Nairobi. Sorry for not contacting all of you sooner, but internet is scarce.
It has been kind of a whirlwind couple of days. I arrived late at night on Jan 14. I am sleeping in a little room for now, because the missionaries I am with have not found a house,yet. Please be praying that it happens today. They are in a meeting right now to see if they can get a house they really want and need.
I am going to be teaching Sunday School this Sunday. Please pray that it will go well. On Friday, I will be going to see the school I will be teaching in. Please pray for me as I venture into the slums.

The temperature is warm and it is a welcome change from home. According to the Kenyans, however, it is unusually cold. It has been raining since I arrived, but not in they way my fellow Lower Mainlanders know rain. It is sopping one minute and the next minute it is beautiful and sunny. Right now it is sunny here. I have not really gathered any pictures of Kenya yet, because I am just taking it all in. There is greenery everywhere and the flowers are spectacular. There don't seem to be any steadfast rules about driving here. We don't have to stop at red lights if the roadway is clear. We can drive in the middle of the road, unless someone going the opposite direction is coming. There are speed bumps and traffic circles everywhere. Right now I am living in a place of Nairobi called Runda. This is the area with all of the embassies around and is, therefore very safe. It seems as though everyone talks and even texts while driving. This could be because everyone has to drive slower due to traffic and so many speed bumps. The lack of rules are only things that I have noticed. They are not stated and so I could be wrong.

To the comfort of all back home, I am being well looked after and am blessed by my hosts and a wonderful Ugandan lady named Shaan, who is living in Kenya and working with Jacaranda. I will be traveling to her house on the weekend. She lives with her spiritual mother and sisters, as her biological parents are Muslims and kicked her out when she became a Christian. Please be praying for her father, who is battling the final stages of cancer. Also pray for her mother who is battling Rheumatoid Arthritis and is in a lot of pain. Most of all, please pray for Shaan, that she would know how to pray for her family who do not believe.

Thank you for your support and continued prayers. Please keep praying that my health continues to be good. I have to go now, but I will post again when I can. This may not be for awhile. Thinking of all of you at home and wishing we could experience this together, I have grown spiritually in just the two days I have been here. Blessing to all of you


  1. Hannah! We are soaking up every word and was so excited to see this post! We will be praying for you! Lots of love, Shawna, Hayden, Emma and Hannah!!

  2. hello we miss you a lot and we're praying for you . love Emma :)

    1. Thanks so much, Emma. It really means a lot that you took the time to write to me. Thank you so much for your prayers, as I really need them right now. Please pray for direction and inspiration as well as daily reminders of what God has for me to do here.
