A little over two weeks ago, the medical team left for Texas and the next day, a team from Tennessee came. I really appreciate what the medical team did for the children and Adults here. I was a great assistance that we could not have accomplished on our own. The following team consisted of a pastor and his wife as well as their daughter, who lives in New York. There were also four people from a church in Alabama. The team was consisted of females, with the exception of Pastor Steve. :)
I loved having this team here, because their focus was so similar to mine in that they were here for evangelism and to do whatever needs doing. From the very first day, they were inviting me to join their devotionals and including me as part of their team. This was so wonderful, not to feel as though I was in the way of what they were trying to accomplish, but to truly know that they saw me as an asset to their purpose here.
We prayed over elections and these elections were so peaceful that everyone was very surprised. Especially those Africans who had been here for the past elections. There is still the possibility of an outbreak of violence, because the people are contesting the integrity of the election in court. We are believing in faith that this will not be a problem.
During the time that the team was here, I learned a lot about God through their devotions and God even shared something with me and told me to share it with the group. The thread of all of our devotionals was to rest in Christ, believing that we can do all things because of Him, and learning that God is sovereign in all situations. I prayed for God to give me a word, knowing that I was expected to share with the group. God came through for me. Then all the doubts about me being the youngest and perhaps the least versed in the ways of God; about me still learning the things that He wanted me to teach on. Thankfully, earlier in the week we had learned that because we have Christ, we have all authority. I followed through and spoke the words God wanted me to speak. I left the results up to Him. Later, one of the team leaders came to me and told me that him and his wife felt that the word that I had delivered had been the most impactful (this is a word). It was such a blessing to me to hear how God had worked through me. Sometimes we will never know what God has accomplished through us. This experience, encouraged my belief of having the authority of Christ. When God tells us to speak, we need to speak like we really mean it. The team also prayed over me and I am feeling more free than I ever have before. Knowing that Heaven speaks blessings and encouragement over me. I have grown so much. :)
Last week I went on Safari with the team. It was so indescribably amazing. God is so creative and I was so blessed to have the opportunity to preserve so of this in photographs. Here are a few of the photos I took, while I was away last week. One might presume that I had to use much zoom to capture these pictures, but I actually captured many of the animals no further that 15' away.
Please continue to pray for me in these last three weeks. I can almost feel the hugs and kisses. I'm trying to live in the moment, though, because I know that when this is over, there is not a determined return date for me to come back here. Please pray that I would be prepared in my spirit, but that I would be able to drink in the experiences for the last few weeks. I am thinking of you all with such fondness and my prayers go out on your behalf, also. There is so much that I can hardly wait to share with you.